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family in a field of dandelions

Allergies and Your Lawn: What You Can Do

Allergies affect millions of Americans, especially down here in the Southeast where pollen counts always seem to be higher than normal. As your grass grows during the spring and summer, it releases microscopic pollen into the atmosphere, which is usually the cause of your sneezing and itching. Trees and flowers can also be the cause of this pollen. Your allergies and your lawn may not get along right now, but those allergies shouldn’t keep you and your family from enjoying your time in the yard.

The good news is there are a few things you can do in your yard to help reduce the common allergy triggers.

Here are 4 things you can do to protect your family when it comes to allergies and your lawn:

  1. Fertilize: Bluegrass, dandelions, nettle, and more are all allergy-producing weeds. When weeds are eliminated from your lawn, your grass can grow in a much healthier manner.
  2. Keep your lawn short: When you mow, cut grass to the right height for your lawn. Trimming the tops of grass stems to this height will inhibit the pollen spread. That height is going to depend on the type of grass you have, and you can find that information here.
  3. Plant low-allergy plants: To ensure an allergy-friendly garden, grow low-pollen or no- pollen plants like hydrangeas, tulips, pansies, and ferns.
  4. Replace your lawn with low-allergy grasses: If your allergies are unbearable, you might consider replacing your entire lawn with low-allergy grasses. Bermuda grass hybrids, Buffalo grass, and St. Augustine grass are some options to consider.

While these tips aren’t going to get rid of your allergies completely, they are going to help you and your family breathe a little easier when you’re in your yard. We would be happy to help any way we can. If you’re already a Turf Masters customer, let your route manager know you are working on these steps to help your allergies. Communication is key for us, and your route manager will be able to work with you to ensure your grass is as healthy as possible while helping you breathe a little easier.

If you’re not yet a customer of ours, reach out to us here. We’d be happy to come take a look at your yard free of charge and put together a plan of action.